An Ice Cold Break from the Heat

The new Placerville Police Chief, Joseph Wren, has enough on his plate right now what with the pandemic and all of the added hardships it brings. He is tackling his new role head on and doing so in unprecedented times. However, as temperatures spiked last week, Chief Wren was faced with another problem, overheated officers with no way to keep drinking water cold in their cruisers.

When Bill Roby, the El Dorado Community Foundation’s Executive Director, contacted Chief Wren last week to introduce himself and check in with Placerville’s new Police Chief, the topic of the heat and difficulty keeping cold water for Chief Wren’s officers came up. The chief wanted to know if there was any possible funding available to help solve the problem. Chief Wren had already identified coolers designed specifically for police cruisers as well as an ice machine for the Police Station. Hearing the situation Bill Roby offered to help the Placerville Police Department by providing the funding for the coolers and ice maker from the Community Relief Fund at the El Dorado Community Foundation. This fund is intended for these kinds of situations and we are proud to help ensure the health and safety of the men and women serving to keep this community safe.

2 thoughts on “An Ice Cold Break from the Heat”

  1. El Dorado Community Foundation to the rescue! This is exactly the essence of what community means.

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