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How can we support you?

Developing a charitable plan that takes into account your client’s financial and charitable needs is no small task. As a financial planning professional, we hope to help you and your clients explore the world of planned giving within the communities they love, earning dividends of purpose through our many donor advised opportunities. Consider us a resource and partner as you navigate the needs of your clients and guide them to be active participants in their charitable giving wishes. 

We understand the unique relationship you have to your clients and will always support that with integrity and service.

El Dorado Community Foundation receives guidance from a group of dedicated professionals through our Planned Giving Committee. These professionals are also committed to increasing philanthropy and providing educational resources to you in our community.

The El Dorado Community Foundation also conducts educational seminars for professional advisors including our annual Professional Advisors Forum.  Attending the Professional Advisors Forum provides California State MCLE and CLE credits.

If you would like further information about these events or if you would like to be added to our list to be invited to our educational seminars, please fill out and submit the form below:

Educational Materials

It is not easy to bring up charitable giving in your role as financial or estate advisors.  How can you determine if you can help your clients fulfill their philanthropic goals and not appear to be “selling”?

Here are some suggestions:

For most of your clients, philanthropy is already an important part of their lives.  They may give to their faith community, their alumni association, support local and national or international nonprofits.  They may also be participating as a volunteer for their favorite charities. 

One financial manager we spoke with, feels it is important to ask the clients about their favorite charities as part of understanding and becoming knowledgeable of the client goals.   She commented that it helps her to understand if their passion for certain charities is important in their planning. 

An estate attorney told us it was helpful to her to understand how the Foundation funds work when discussing the client’s will.  She always asks, “are you interested in supporting local nonprofits?”   She likes to point out the advantage of having their own fund at the Foundation gives them an easy way to direct their giving.  She coined the phrase, “a Do It Yourself Fund”. 

Here are some triggers they identified:

Tax Planning.  Client is receiving funds that will trigger a taxable event.   Directing some or all of those funds to a donor advised fund for an immediate tax deduction and giving the ability to stay involved in recommending gifts from the fund can be gratifying.  

Beneficiaries.  Discussion of beneficiaries is an opportunity to discuss philanthropic giving.  If traditional beneficiaries are not available, make suggestions about the ability to make an impact with a gift.   Clients who do have direct beneficiaries might consider setting a portion aside from their will that the beneficiaries can manage, thus, passing on their legacy of the importance of charitable giving to their beneficiary.

Preserving their legacy.  In addition to reducing the tax impact on the estate, directing funds to their charitable interests, your client’s gift can create an impactful legacy that lasts for many years.   Often these funds are “In Memory of the Deceased” so that the beneficiary of the gifts remember the kindness of the giver.

Unusual funding events. The need to sell closely held stock, highly appreciated stock, the sale of a business, or substantial IRA/501K assets is an opportunity for you and client to evaluate the best way to minimize taxes, giving more to their heirs, and preserving charitable intent.  

We can help you be the expert in philanthropy with your clients.  We will make time to meet with you to discuss ideas, educate you on the local nonprofits and provide you with the tools you need to be your client’s most important philanthropy consultant.

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